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WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Sentences..subject And Predicate

Sentences..subject And Predicate

Publicado el 06 Febrero de 2013

Autor: Lou Herrero


.A sentence is a group of words, it tells an idea. We always begin to write a sentence with a Capital Letter, and sentences always end with an End Mark. (.) period, (!) exclamation mark, and (?) question mark. Sentences are formed by two parts: Naming part (subject) and Telling part (complement)

The naming part of a sentece tells us who or what the sentence is about.

The telling part of a sentence tells us about what the sentence is about.


Rocio reads books.

N.P. T.P.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: Entre 13-14 años


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Copy the sentences on your notebook.

.Circle the naming part and underline the telling part.

1. Dogs bark so loud.

2. Your cat is soft.

3. Jessie tries to teach me!

4. The jiraffe has a baby.

5. My homework is so easy.


.a) Take out your notebook.

b) Open it and write the date.

c) Copy the sentences.

d) Follow directions and solve.


.You can find more information in your reading book pg. 34-

 It is very important to check the notes you have on your notebook.


.Children are able to identify naming part (subject) from telling part (complement) in sentences.

 Children can solve exercises all by themselves.

  Participation in class is VERY important.




Proyecto Creado Por Lou Herrero - Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: Entre 13-14 años


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