Artículos Proyecto colaborativo en Internet: Conmemoraciones alrededor del mundo - Recursos






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Recursos relacionados


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Recursos relacionados


  • Celebrate! Connections Among Cultures by Jan Reynolds
  • Celebrations of Light: A Year of Holidays Around the World by Nancy Luenn
  • Celebrations! Festivals, Carnivals and Feast Days from around the World by Barnabas and Anabel Kindersley
  • A Calendar of Festivals: Celebrations from Around the World by Cherry Gilchrist
  • Around the World Through Holidays: CrossCurricular Readers Theatre by Carol Petersen
  • Celebrate! The Best Feasts and Festivals from Many Lands by Lynda Jones
  • Celebrate Chinese New Year with Fireworks, Dragons and Lanterns by Carolyn Otto*
  • Celebrate Halloween with Pumpkins, Costumes and Candy by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Hanukkah with Light, Latkes and Dreidels by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Thanksgiving with Turkey, Family and Counting Blessings by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr with Praying, Fasting and Charity by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Christmas with Carols, Presents and Peace by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur with Honey, Prayers and the Shofar by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Diwali with Sweets, Lights and Fireworks by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Fiestas, Music and Dance by Carolyn Otto*
  • Celebrate Passover with Matzah, Maror and Memories by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Easter with Colored Eggs, Flowers and Prayer by Deborah Heiligman*
  • Celebrate Kwanzaa with Candles, Community and the Fruits of the Harvest by Carolyn Otto*

* de la serie “Días festivos alrededor del mundo” de National Geographic


Sitios Web sobre días festivos en general

Sitios Web sobre días festivos específicos

Sitios Web para investigación independiente



Materiales y entregables | Ampliación del aprendizaje


Proyecto “Celebrate! Holidays and Festivals Around the World” elaborado por ePals y traducido al español por Eduteka.

Publicación de este documento en EDUTEKA: Agosto 01 de 2012.
Última modificación de este documento: Agosto 01 de 2012.



Más sobre Proyecto colaborativo en Internet: Conmemoraciones alrededor del mundo - Recursos


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